Preparing for Disasters.
Man-made and natural disasters can impact individuals and families regardless of duty station or geographic location. Having a Disaster Preparedness Plan will allow you to be better prepared for emergencies that may occur.
When putting together your plan, first consider the types of hazards that could affect your family. On Okinawa, pay specific attention to natural hazards like typhoons, earthquakes, and tsunamis, as well as man-made hazards like structural fires.
Know your home’s vulnerability to storm surge, flooding, and wind. Buildings on Okinawa are rated to withstand the high winds of seasonal typhoons, but families and individuals should recognize the risk of water entering buildings through doors, windows, and floors.
Locate a safe room in your home to use in the event of an emergency which requires to you shelter at home. Develop an evacuation plan and coordinate pre-determined meeting places in the event you must evacuate. Select nearby evacuation points for isolated events like structural fires, and more distant evacuation points for larger scale events like flooding. Don’t forget to consider your pets when creating your plan. Check your insurance coverage to make sure you have adequate protection for your home, car, and other belongings. It is always a good idea to take First Aid and CPR classes to improve your readiness and resiliency.
Most importantly, practice and maintain your plan regularly.
Building a Kit.
Get more tips on building a kit at:
A Disaster Preparedness Kit helps provide your family with important supplies should a disaster occur. The priority should go to practical supplies. Comfort supplies should be considered if space is available. Kits should include enough material to last 3-7 days. Due to the isolation of Okinawa, our temporary island home, 10 days of supplies is recommended. Below is a list of items to consider for your kit, tailor your kit to your family’s specific needs.
- One gallon of water, per person, per day
- Canned fruits, vegetables, and meats
- Pet food, water
- Baby food, formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, rash cream – if needed
- Peanut butter, individual serving jelly, crackers, granola bars, and other non-perishable snacks
- Flashlight
- Radio
- Replacement batteries for all battery powered equipment
- Cups, plates, utensils
- Basic tools, rope
- Toilet paper, garbage bags, disinfectant
- Glasses or replacement contact lenses, solution
- Hand sanitizer, soap
- Medications (prescription and non-prescription)
- Portable solar charger
- Important family documents: birth/marriage certificates, wills, powers of attorney, passports, ID cards, Social Security Cards, immunization records, etc.
- Changes of clothing based on seasonal weather